Heal Your Third-Eye Chakra With These Powerful Incense Sticks

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In Indian Ayurvedic tradition, chakras are the energy centers present in your body. When your chakras are aligned, they promote physical, emotional and mental well-being. Your body has seven chakras. Each chakra stimulates the flow of healing energies wherever it is located. The third eye chakra is located in the center of your forehead or the middle of your eyebrows. It is also known as the Ajna chakra in Sanskrit and governs your foresight, intuition, self-awareness and wisdom. When your third eye chakra is aligned, you can perceive the world beyond the surface level. The theory of “having the sixth sense” originates in the third eye chakra.

How Do You Heal The Third Eye Chakra?

You need to nurture and tend to your chakras like your physical body. This prevents blockages in your energy centers and allows for a free energy flow. You can decipher if you have blocked chakras through physiological, emotional and physical symptoms. Sometimes, the severity of symptoms hampers your everyday life. A blocked third eye chakra manifests as headaches, blurred vision, self-doubt, inability to perceive, confusion in decision-making, low concentration, creativity, intuition and spiritual connection.

Fortunately, you can heal a blocked third eye chakra in many ways. Meditation, yoga, and the right incense are the best remedies to clear third eye chakra blockage. While performing these healing activities, light an incense bouquet that targets the third eye chakra blockage. Coupled with chakra-specific affirmations, you can successfully counter the blockage and regain your old self. In this blog, we’ll be looking at five incense sticks that heal the third eye chakra.

5 Best Incense Sticks To Heal The Third Eye Chakra

1. Cinnamon Incense Sticks


Cinnamon incense sticks release a toasty, spicy and sweet fragrance. Cinnamon incense has potent stress-relieving and clarity-inducing properties. Both these aspects are necessary to heal and balance your third eye chakra. The aroma from cinnamon incense sticks is known to fortify the mind and act as a stimulant to the brain. All these factors combine to remove blocks in the third eye chakra. 

2. Patchouli Incense Sticks


Patchouli incense sticks have a deep, earthy aroma. This sacred incense has deep spiritual, calming and focus-inducing properties. Patchouli incense can reignite your consciousness and help you access an elevated spiritual plane. It promotes the reintroduction of positive and self-affirming thoughts. Patchouli incense sticks can be burned during meditations to heal your blocked third eye chakra.

3. Sandalwood Incense Sticks


Sandalwood incense has a woody, earthy and sweet fragrance. A quintessential incense in Indian religious ceremonies, sandalwood incense sticks have strong associations with spiritual and divine energies. The sacred scent of sandalwood clears mental fog and relieves your body of tension and fatigue. This opens up the pathways to your third eye chakra, releasing blockages.

4. Frankincense Incense Sticks


Many global cultures use frankincense to release mental and emotional blockages, particularly in the third eye chakra. When burned, frankincense incense sticks give off a smoky and energizing fragrance that cuts through the mind. It has magnificent purification properties and cleanses the mind of unwanted thoughts and feelings. It is spiritual and boosts your exploration of thoughts, emotions and inner self. As a result of these features, frankincense incense sticks have the power to heal your third eye chakra.

5. Palo Santo Incense Sticks


Palo santo incense is one the best third eye incense. Revered by the indigenous people, shamans and spiritual healers of Central and South America, palo santo is also known as “holy wood”. This incense completely banishes blockage in the third eye chakra. This is because palo santo incense sticks help you deepen your connection with your inner self and intuition. When lit, their revitalizing and purifying scent enables you to meditate deeper and open access to your intuition, wisdom and consciousness.

An aligned third eye chakra helps you make conscious decisions and cultivate a more profound perception of the world. When this energy center is blocked, you may lose your ability to intuit, focus and think. The good news is that your third eye chakra can be healed and unblocked. You can heal a blocked third eye chakra with the right affirmations, meditation, and any of the above-listed incense sticks.

Visit www.hemincense.com to know more.

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