The Captivating World Of Potpourri: What Is It,Uses & Recommendations 

For lovers of natural home décor and fragrances, potpourri needs no introduction. Here’s what it means for those still confused about potpourri. Potpourri is a mixture of natural ingredients: dried fragrant flower petals, herbs, spices, essential oils and natural fixatives. Every element of the potpourri blends perfectly and scents the air with a natural and arresting fragrance. Potpourri not only adds fragrance but also brings aesthetic appeal as it is placed in decorative bowls, dishes and jars. While the apparent benefit of potpourri is perfuming a space, it also has aromatherapy, stress relief and sleep improvement benefits.

Without further ado, let’s take a closer look at potpourri, its uses and benefits.

What are the Benefits of Potpourri, and What is it Used For?

The word potpourri is derived from French, translating to “rotten pot”. In the olden days, the French hung bowls of dried flower petals in their homes. When the warm air from the fireplace came in contact with the dried flowers, it released a pleasing fragrance in the room. This was helpful in winter, as it drove away the musty and stale air. From scenting rooms and dispelling foul odor, potpourri’s usage has evolved over time.

Scents can trigger happy memories, which in turn affect your mood. Potpourri is handy when you are feeling down and need a natural pick-me-up. Natural scents also have the power to reduce stress. When inhaled, the calming fragrance from potpourri relaxes and soothes the mind and body. As a consequence, your sleep quality improves significantly, too. The great thing about potpourri is its convenience. You only need to place the mixture in a bowl and let the preserved flowers take care of the rest.

Our 3 Best Potpourri Recommendations

1. Strawberry Potpourri


Each season has its unique fruits, flowers and fragrances. When you use these special gifts of nature in potpourri, you invoke that season’s scents, sights, and sounds. This reminiscing through fragrance has a positive impact on your mood. Strawberries signal the arrival of spring and are enjoyed well into summer. Strawberry potpourri invokes the scent of damp mud, fresh grass and summer flora. Its vibrant, fruity, tart aroma makes you feel calm and energizes your spirit. Owing to these refreshing and relaxing properties, strawberry potpourri may improve your mood and contribute to a night of deep slumber

2. Lemon Potpourri


As we welcome fall’s cool embrace, recall and cherish summer’s joie de vivre with lemon potpourri. Childhood summers spent lazing at home or playing a game of tag are incomplete without a glass of cold, sweet lemonade. Lemon potpourri releases a zingy, refreshing and comforting scent. Lemon potpourri has antimicrobial properties and cleanses the air. It is also great for soothing anxiety, reducing stress, and improving mood. The brisk scent of lemon is excellent for bringing alertness to the mind. Its fragrance induces clarity and focus, making it ideal for use at your office, study or library.

3. Rose Potpourri


Rose potpourri releases a luxurious scent, creating an ambience full of promise and possibility. Rose’s tantalizing aroma has incredibly relaxing and pacifying properties. When you inhale the fragrance of rose, it cloaks the mind and evokes positive, passionate and romantic feelings. Rose potpourri has great mood-enhancing effects, triggering the release of happy hormones. Rose has cleansing and deodorizing properties, too. When you use rose potpourri, you clear out harmful energies while naturally scenting your home.

Potpourri is very easy to use, requiring minimal effort. It comes in big sachets, so you must scoop your desired quantity and transfer it into your favorite decorative bowl or dish. You can place it on a table, room corner, mantelpiece or closet. There’s no need to light it! The natural fixatives in potpourri release the scent slowly, allowing one batch to last long. It is recommended to buy potpourri only from trusted suppliers. Visit to learn where you can purchase genuine potpourri from.

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